Bear Repairs
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Bear repairs for all bears in need of a little extra care.

Each bear is individually assessed and the most appropriate method for that particular bear is sensitively undertaken to be either repaired, restored or conserved for future generations to enjoy.


Patch A chad Vally bear repair.
A Chiltern Chubby teddy bear unfortunate encounter with a dog left without his head, only pieces of it. He had a full restoration project undertaken and as a result he has been named “Patch” after being lovingly repaired and would like to share his recovery with you!!




Mrs Grayson’s Ted from around 1936 came to me in a serious condition as you can see by the photos. Miraculously has made a full recovery at Pic-Nic-Bears.



Do you need a bear repairing?

Please feel free to contact me on anything you require, whether it be a bit a friendly advice or a bear you would like restoring.

Poor Verstoppen

The bear came in for repairs needing a completely new right ear, a left earĀ repair, a new nose and a good clean as she is over 43 years old!

Humpty Dumpty

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Artist Bears & Friends / Collectors Items / One Of A Kind / Soft Sculptures



Please feel free to contact me on anything you require, whether it be a bit a friendly advice on an idea you may have or a bear you would like restoring

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